Monday, February 23, 2015

Paying in pennies. . .

So its been years since I posted any form of blog (or even tried). Call it lack of persistence, call it a lack of edifying things to say. I bet no ever thought I'd run out of things to say. But since I'm trying to take this whole writing thing "seriously" I figured I have to take another crack at it. So here we go.

Since often I begin these posts without knowing where I'm going, I decided every time I need a post and lack content I'll post something from one of my journals. There's plenty there after all even if most of it isn't cohesive. My 'first' post is a prime example:

In all of creation, what two forms were made for each other.

To the sower and my soul, to these I dedicated thee. My words and my wisdom.

To my source, that of my wisdom and my gifts, my words, my world. May I never forget that which I pay most dearly to learn or that which I have already paid.

To my soul, that inspiration may one day reach your ears and to the day I shoulder all your cares.

And to tomorrow which holds such promise of life. Pride with such sorant words be left in the past fulfilled with glory and terry no more in the shadow of despair. 

I would have 'joiced at the use of my energy in a more noble and worthy vessel by the knower plans all in perfect time, so may my pen exchange blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and thy Spirit.


A poem I wrote, some five or six years ago. I have never been much of a poet as is directly obvious and I barely remember what I was writing about, but there it is, for your viewing pleasure (as much as to help me get into the habit of posting). To anyone offended at the poor quality of it: You and me both. But this is it in its original form because it wouldn't be right any other way.

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